Friday, November 25, 2005

NFS Most Wanted ( contd. ) , Kamal's suckerpunch !!

To sum up the last two days, what comes to my mind are these two topics only. NFS , coz its the game which i've played for more than 8 hours daily for the past 3 days ( the car's sound are still ringin' in my ears ) and Kamal, coz he screwed us BIG - TIME in MAS ( Multi Agent Systems, incase you dont know ).

We copied/showed a couple of assignments in the course.And he says the consequences are :

1. A grade will be reduced for everybody.
2. No TAships will be given to anyone of us forever at any given time in the college.
3. All the Honours programme's which come under Kamal's jurisdiction have to be dropped.
4. No more taking of projects under Kamal.

WTF ?? Is he crazy? Just because someone copies a couple of assignments in the course - we drop honours and no TAships ? And added to this, he says that he had made this decision some 2 months back. Now, he told us in the final MAS class that we would have some MAS weekends and do some case-studies etc. He also gave some M.Tech guy a project in the morning of the day , he gave us this shocking news. And in the evening when he told us abt this, he literally asked th e M.Tech guy to go screw himself. If he had decided abt this some 2 months back, why do all this crap ? I dont get it at all !!

One thing's for sure, I'm never again gonna take a course under Kamal. The saddest part is that iv, manish and monga have done a lot of work and Kamal says " I already made my decision". What a load of crap !! Anyway, we're going to meet him on Friday evening ( hopefully) , lets see what's going to happen. Hope that he reconsiders his decision.

Till then, cya ... and btw .. yay !! Saurav Ganguly is in the test squad. Hope they take him into the one-day squad as well. I'm a die-hard fan of him .. :)


The optimist from utopia said...

dude.. when r u posting next *waiting*

obelix said...

what happened to the posting spree my man ...

continue posting

The optimist from utopia said...

fuxker.. u r tagged!! when will u fkin complete ur tag?? Post asap..